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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

North Dakota Goose Hunting Season Dates and Bag Limits

North Dakota Goose Hunting

North Dakota goose hunting regulations offer the various goose hunting season dates and rules. We have also listed other North Dakota waterfowl season information for various species.

North Dakota Goose hunting season regulations:

Light Geese
Open Area: Statewide
Opens: September 27 (residents only), October 4 (nonresidents)
Closes: January 2
Daily Limit: 20
Possession Limit: No Limit
Shooting Hours: 30 minutes before sunrise to: 1 pm CDT September 27 through November 1; 2 pm CST November 2 through end of season.
Exception: Shooting hours are 30 minutes before sunrise to sunset on Saturdays and Wednesdays from September 27 through November 29; and on Saturdays, Sundays and Wednesdays from December 3 through end of season.

Canada Geese
Open Area: Statewide
Opens: September 27 (residents only), October 4 (nonresidents)
Closes: December 25 (Exception – Missouri River Zone closes January 2)
Daily Limit: 3
Possession Limit: 6
Shooting Hours: 30 minutes before sunrise to: 1 pm CDT September 27 through November 1; 2 pm CST November 2 through end of season.
Exception: Shooting hours are 30 minutes before sunrise to sunset on Saturdays and Wednesdays from September 27 through November 29; and on Saturdays, Sundays and Wednesdays from December 3 through end of season.

Missouri River Canada Goose Zone Map The Missouri River Canada Goose Zone is bordered by state, federal and county highways. The northwest boundary is the section line between section 8 and 9 of T146N R87 W (off of Mercer County 21), and the southern shoreline of Lake Sakakawea (including Mallard Island) to U.S. Highway 83.

White-fronted Geese
Open Area: Statewide
Opens: September 27 (residents only), October 4 (nonresidents)
Closes: December 7
Daily Limit: 2
Possession Limit: 4
Shooting Hours: 30 minutes before sunrise to: 1 pm CDT September 27 through November 1; 2 pm CST November 2 through end of season.
Exception: Shooting hours are 30 minutes before sunrise to sunset on Saturdays and Wednesdays from September 27 through November 29; and on Saturdays, Sundays and Wednesdays from December 3 through end of season.

North Dakota Duck Hunting Season Dates and Bag Limits

Low Plains Unit
Opens: September 27 (residents only), October 4 (nonresidents)
Closes: December 7
High Plains Unit
Opens: September 27 (residents only), October 4 (nonresidents)
Closes: December 7
Opens: December 13
Closes: January 4
Daily Limit: 5 (see Ducks and Mergansers restrictions below)
Possession Limit: 10
Shooting Hours: 30 minutes before sunrise to sunset

Low Plains Unit
Opens: September 27 (residents only), October 4 (nonresidents)
Closes: December 7
High Plains Unit
Opens: September 27 (residents only), October 4 (nonresidents)
Closes: December 7
Opens: December 13
Closes: January 4
Daily Limit: 5 (See Ducks and Mergansers restrictions below)
Possession Limit: 10
Shooting Hours: 30 minutes before sunrise to sunset

Ducks and Mergansers: Species/Sex Restrictions:
The daily bag limit on ducks is 5 with species and sex restrictions as follows: 2 scaup, 2 redheads, 2 wood ducks, only 1 from the following group: 1 hen mallard, or 1pintail, or 1 canvasback. The daily limit of 5 mergansers may include no more than 2 hooded mergansers. The possession limit on these restricted ducks and the hooded merganser is twice the daily limit.

Low Plains Unit
Opens: September 27 (residents only), October 4 (nonresidents)
Closes: December 7
High Plains Unit
Opens: September 27 (residents only), October 4 (nonresidents)
Closes: December 7
Opens: December 13
Closes: January 4
Daily Limit: 15
Possession Limit: 30
Shooting Hours: 30 minutes before sunrise to sunset

Special Youth Waterfowl Season

In addition to the regular North Dakota waterfowl hunting season, there is a special youth season. The dates and rules are as follows:

Open Area: Statewide
Opens: September 20
Closes: September 21
Shooting Hours: 30 minutes before sunrise to sunset
Legally licensed residents and nonresidents 15 years of age or younger may hunt ducks, mergansers, coots or geese. An adult of at least 18 years of age must accompany the youth hunter into the field. The adult may not hunt ducks, mergansers, coots or geese. The daily bag limit, including species restrictions, and all other regulations that apply to the regular duck and goose hunting seasons apply to this special season.

For more information on North Dakota duck hunting seasons and regulations, go to North Dakota waterfowl regulations through this link>

Free Knife with $50 purchase

Monday, September 22, 2008

Goose Hunting Regulations for New York

Goose Hunting in New York

The New York Goose Hunting season has been set.

New York Canada Goose Season Dates and Geese bag limits per zone.

Shooting Hours: one-half hour before sunrise to sunset.

Non-toxic shot: required

Other: All hunters must register for HIP.

NOTE: Canada goose hunting area boundaries have been changed. Please see map and review the boundary descriptions below before going afield.

2007- 08 Canada goose seasons and bag limits. Goose Hunting Area Season Dates Bag Limit
Northeast Oct 27 - Dec 10 3/day

East Central Oct 27 - Nov 16
Nov 24 - Dec 17 3/day

South Oct 27 - Dec 16
Dec 26 - Jan 13
Mar 1 - Mar 10 5/day

West Central Nov 3 - Dec 2
Dec 29 - Jan 12 3/day

Hudson Valley Oct 27 - Nov 16
Dec 15 - Jan 7 3/day

Lake Champlain Oct 20 - Dec 3 3/day

Western LI Nov 29 - Feb 6 3/day

Eastern LI Nov 29 - Jan 27 2/day

For more Goose hunting in New York information and a detailed map of area zones, click

Monday, September 15, 2008

Minnesota Goose Hunting Season Dates and Bag Limits

Minnesota Goose Hunting
These are the 2008 Minnesota waterfowl season regulations at the time of printing.
If changes are made there will be an announcement, and the changes will
be available on the DNR Web

Minnesota Goose Hunting Season Dates and Bag Limits:

Snow Blue and Ross Geese - Oct. 4 - Dec. 22. Bag Limit 20 combined and possession, 40 combined.
White-Fronted Geese - Oct. 4 - Dec. 22. Bag Limit 1 combined and possession, 2 combined.
Brant Geese - Oct. 4 - Dec. 22. Bag Limit 1 combined and possession, 2 combined.
West-Central zone Oct. 16 - Oct. 19th, Oct. 25 - Nov. 30 bag limit 2 possession limit 4

West zone Oct. 4 - Dec. 2 bag limit 2 possession limit 4
Remainder of state (includes Metro & SE zone) Oct. 4 - Dec. 12 bag limit 2 possession limit 4

SEPTEMBER (EARLY) CANADA GOOSE HUNT Shooting hours are one half hour before sunrise to sunset Southeast zone (map, page 22) Sept. 6 - 22 2 bag limit, 4 possession limit.
Remainder of state (includes all Sept. 6 - 22 5 bag limit, 10 possession limit.
zones not listed above including the northwest goose zone which has been merged with the remainder of the state.)
(The controlled hunting zone at Lac Qui Parle is closed to goose hunting during the September goose season.)

DECEMBER (LATE) Canada Goose Hunt Shooting hours are one half hour before sunrise to sunset.
West central zone (map, page 22) No late goose season
Southeast zone (map, page 22) Dec. 13 - 22 2 4
Remainder of state (includes all Dec. 13 - 22 5 10

Minnesota's Duck Hunting Season Dates:

Oct. 4th through Dec. 2nd 2008.

Duck Hunting Bag Limits:

6 ducks daily; may not include more than any combination of the following:

4 mallards (only 1 hen mallard), 2 wood ducks, 2 redheads, 1 black duck, 1 pintail. If not listed up to 6 ducks of a species may be taken. The possession limit is twice the daily bag limit.

Scaup bag limit: One scaup daily except from Oct. 25-Nov. 13 when two scaup may be taken daily.

Canvasback closed: No canvasback may be taken.
Coot and moorhen (gallinule) bag limits: Daily bag limit is 15. The possession limit is twice the daily bag limit.

Merganser bag limits: Daily bag limit is five, no more than 2 of which may be a hooded merganser. The possession limit is twice the daily bag limit.

Youth Hunt:

On Sept. 20, 2008, waterfowl hunters age 15 and younger, when accompanied by
a non-hunting adult (age 18 and older, no license required) may take ducks, Canada geese, mergansers, coots and moorhens from one-half hour before sunrise to 4 p.m. Motorized decoy restrictions are in effect. Bag limits are the same as the regular duck season. Five Canada geese may be taken, except in the Metro, southeast and northwest goose zones, and Carlos Avery WMA and Swan Lake area (map, page 22-23), where the limit is one. There are no license requirements, except hunters ages 13 to 15 must have a firearms safety certificate in their possession. All other
migratory bird hunting regulations apply.

Special Falconry Season


Ducks, coots and moorhens may be taken by falconry from Oct. 4, 2008 to
Jan. 17, 2009.

Geese may be taken by falconry during any open goose season. Woodcock,
rails and snipe may be taken by falconry from Sept. 1 to Dec. 16.
Bag limits and hours:

Three daily combined and six in possession combined.

Falconry hours are one-half hour before sunrise to sunset, except after Oct.
4, when they are the same as the waterfowl shooting hours.

Shooting Hours:

Shooting hours for ducks and geese are one-half hour before sunrise (except
9 a.m. on Oct. 4) to 4 p.m. through Saturday Oct. 11, and until sunset
thereafter. See youth hunt and early goose season for additional hours.

Free Knife with $50 purchase

Monday, September 1, 2008

Michigan Goose Hunting Season Set

Duck Hunting Michigan
Waterfowl hunters will have 60 days of duck hunting and at least 45 days of goose hunting statewide this fall as a result of Natural Resources Commission action on waterfowl season regulations at its Aug. 14 meeting in Lansing.

A big change this year is a new three-zone system for goose hunting with goose zones being the same as current duck hunting zones. The traditional North, Middle and South duck zones now apply to Canada goose hunting as well.

"This simplifies waterfowl hunting regulations and increases goose hunting opportunity across the state," said DNR waterfowl specialist Barb Avers. "It also provides duck and goose hunting opportunities at the same time, something hunters say is one of their top priorities."

Canada goose regular seasons are:

North Zone Sept. 22 - Nov. 5
Middle Zone Oct. 4 - Nov. 10, and Nov. 27 - Dec.3
South Zone Oct. 11 - Nov. 13, and Nov. 27 - Dec.7
The Tuscola/Huron and Saginaw goose management units (GMU) have the same goose season dates as the South zone. There will still be different seasons for the two special goose management zones in southwestern Michigan. The season at the Allegan County GMU is Nov. 8-10 and Dec. 20 - Jan. 30. The season at Muskegon Waste Water GMU is Oct. 14 - Nov. 13 and Dec. 2-15. The daily bag limit is two for all GMUs.

The late goose season will be Jan. 3 to Feb. 1, 2009 in all of the South Zone, except the Allegan County and Muskegon Waste Water GMUs. The daily bag limit during the late season will be five geese, except in GMUs where it is two.

In the Middle and South zones, the goose season opener corresponds to the duck season openers.

Duck seasons are:

North Zone Oct. 4 - Dec. 2
Middle Zone Oct. 4 - Nov. 30 and Dec. 6-7
South Zone Oct. 11 - Dec. 7 and Jan. 3-4
The federal framework does not allow a season for canvasback ducks this year.

An unusual aspect to the upcoming duck season is a federal framework that allows hunters a two-bird daily bag limit for scaup (bluebills) for only 20 days of the 60-day duck season and just one scaup daily during the remaining 40 days. The 20-day, two-bird seasons for Michigan are Oct. 11-30 in the North Zone; Oct. 18-Nov. 6 in the Middle Zone; Oct. 25 - Nov. 13 in the South Zone. The 20-day seasons were set to correspond to the peak of scaup migration.

The daily bag limit is six ducks. Hunters will be allowed to take three wood ducks a day this year, up from two last year. All other daily bag limits for individual species - four mallards, no more than one hen; two redheads; one pintail and one black duck, are the same as last year. In addition, hunters may take up to five mergansers, no more than two of which may be hooded mergansers. The possession limit for waterfowl is twice the daily bag limit.

Michigan will once again have a youth waterfowl hunting weekend for all properly licensed youths 10 to 15 years of age. This season is Sept. 20-21. Youths must be accompanied by a parent, guardian or someone 18 years of age or older, designated by their parent or guardian. The adult is not allowed to hunt waterfowl. Regulations and species restrictions are the same as for the regular waterfowl seasons

Washington Goose Hunting Season Openings

Goose Hunting Washington Columbia River

Waterfowl hunting opportunities will be similar to last year under seasons adopted by the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission at a meeting here Aug. 8-9.

Washington Goose Hunting Season Dates.

Goose hunting seasons vary by management areas across the state, but most open Oct. 11 and run into January 2009.

The goose and duck hunting seasons approved by the commission, which sets policy for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW), are based on state and federal waterfowl population estimates and guidelines.

Washingtion Duck Hunting Season.

Under the 2008 waterfowl seasons, the statewide duck hunting season will be open from Oct. 11-15 and Oct. 18-Jan. 25. A special youth hunting weekend also is scheduled for Sept. 20-21.

As part of the hunting package, the commission closed the canvasback season this year and delayed the start of the scaup season until Nov. 1 to address population declines for those species. Special limits for hen mallard, pintail, redhead, harlequin, scoter and long-tailed duck will remain the same.